Medicine Ball Training

Medicine Ball Training One of the best training tools for strength and conditioning is the medicine ball. Medicine balls are particularly ideal for sports like Gaelic football and hurling where you can mirror key movements within the sport, [...]

Heart Rate Training

Heart Rate Training Whether your goal is to burn unwanted fat after the festive peroid or improve your cardiovascular fitness for your chosen sport, then heart rate training can help you get real results with maximum efficiency.  Too [...]

Foam Rolling

Before partaking in your next weights session, consider foam rolling to massage tight muscles and soothe severe trigger points by simply using your bodyweight on the foam roller to apply pressure to sore spots. As a result, you’ll [...]

Train indoors this winter!

If your a keen runner or cyclist, training in the wintertime can be treacherous given road conditions, bad weather and shorter daylight at this time of year. At we supply a range of home treadmills, [...]

Body Image Elite performance, power, speed

Body Image Elite performance, power, speed. now bring you Body Image Elite performance, power, speed. This range of fitness equipment is specifically designed for sports teams who want to develop a facility for improving the key [...]

Commercial gym equipment

Commercial gym equipment need a fully fitted commercial GYM? Our commercial GYM equipment are available to hire or buy on a permanent basis. Our gym equipment are fully equipped to help you start your fitness [...]

Kettlebell Craze!

The latest trend in fitness, kettlebells are described as the ultimate piece of home gym equipment! Kettlebell training works and tones the whole body and really helps to strengthen your core and back. Kettlebell training [...]